Walking The Green Mile

                                                                        (Photo credit: Flickr)

‘The Green Mile’ is a 1996 serial novel written by the prolific writer Stephen King. I watched the movie a few days ago and the finality of the film astounded me. The film also expounded on living, healing, empathy, racism, supernatural, love, and friendship,

Someone once wrote that we’re all on death row, it’s a price we have to pay for being alive. The important thing is, have we lived at all?

Now today, I would like to write about living your life to the fullest. Which brought me to this song ‘Forever Young.’ I loved it when it came out, the only song by ‘Jay-Z’ that I understood, although I must confess I don’t know the lyrics to most of the rapping but it’s a song that filled me with nostalgic memories.

Growing up in the idyllic town of Ilorin in Africa, life was simple and filled with lots of laughter. There was this carefree attitude to things, I believed I would be forever young. I was a bookworm, if I wasn’t singing in the church choir, you’ll find me in choreography practice. I loved my growing-up years.

Now twenty-five years later, things I took for granted then are so important now. The fierce sun blazing relentlessly on my pale skin, the cold December month squeezing the blood out of my lips, running away from my mum after plundering the pantry, checking my dad’s room for loose coins, chasing after my cantankerous brothers, watching horror films with my favourite brother and, daydreaming about the future!

What did I miss? Oh yes, my first kiss! Oh, my! That was something else, and I won’t be getting into that now. I am discovering new memories; I am telling new stories with my family, friends, and people I associate with.

The thing with life and living is, every moment is significant, and we need to cherish it. As we walk down the green miles of our lives, let’s leave a jolly legacy.

I intend to do just that.

I believe everyone would have a wonderful Bank holiday, at least here in the UK. If you’re my friend and reading this from other parts of the world, have a blast this weekend! 🙂

Much love, always!


The Irrefutable Light…


”We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call to attention their shinning – they just shine.” Dwight L. Moody

What Jesus did and is still doing for humanity is simple. He became our light, he simply allowed himself to align with our frailty, weakness, and mortality and when he did that, we became one with Him when we believe. Jesus is the irrefutable sacrifice, the ultimate hope of eternity. In Him, we have the hope that even though our time in this world is limited, our joy in heaven is limitless.

The international rock star and social activist, Bono’s song about Yahweh capture my mood in this beautiful season, his quote on Christ was spot on. Please watch if you’ve got the time.

”But with Christ, we have access in a one-to-one relationship, for, as in the Old Testament, it was more one of worship and awe, a vertical relationship. The New Testament, on the other hand, we look across at a Jesus who looks familiar, horizontal. The Combination is what makes the Cross.” Bono

I love this song below, it sent me down memory lane.

”Outside of the cross of Jesus Christ, there is no hope in this world. That cross and resurrection at the core of the Gospel is the only hope for humanity. Wherever you go, ask God for wisdom on how to get that Gospel in, even in the toughest situations of life.” Ravi Zacharias.

Jesus is our hope in this world of sin and imperfection. Let Him be your friend, He’s already mine!

I hope all my Christian friends would have a wonderful Easter, Jesus lives! And to my non-Christian friends, I love you still, have  a fantastic holiday!

Much love, always! 🙂

The Promise



Such Innocence… rights words make great men!

Yesterday night I was rummaging through my eldest son’s stuff ( he was asleep by then 🙂 ) when I found this note stuffed in one of the pocket of his school trouser. I simply presumed one of his teachers must have given him in his new Secondary school.

Here it is, word for word:

”There are three things that you must never do in life, for any reason…

The first is use drugs. Some of them taste good and they whisper in your ear that they will make you feel better than you could ever feel without them. Don’t believe them. Promise me you won’t do it.

I promise.

The second is use weapons. Even if someone hurts your feelings or damages your memories or insults God, the earth or men, promise me you’ll never pick up a gun, or a knife, or a stone, or even the wooden ladle we use, if that ladle can be used to hurt someone. Promise.

I promise.

The  third is cheat or steal. What’s yours belongs to you, what isn’t doesn’t. You can earn the money you need by working, even if working is hard. You must never cheat anyone, all right? You must be tolerant and hospitable to everyone. Promise me you’ll do that.

I promise.”

And that was it. I was happy when I read it, I mean, there’s no preaching better than that. If our children, and even the society at large could adhere to this simple words, there would be no ISIS, no wars, and we would be having street parties daily. 🙂


NP: Friends, I’m embarking on series of projects that would seriously impact on my ability to blog, nevertheless, I would always visit your blogs as often as I could, and I would also find time to write every week or every other week until New Year. Have fun guys and take care of yourselves. Remember this words, ‘Always do for other people everything you want them to do for you,’ Peter Nelson used to say that to me often, and he was my dad!

Much love, always!

🙂 🙂

The Two Face Monster!


the battle

I love this wise statement from Mahatma Gandhi, ”My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him.” Gandhi extol the virtues of peace and truth, something I think the world lacks today. A friend of mine said recently that religion has shed more blood in human history and that was why he’s an atheist. Grudgingly, I agreed. People kill in the name of a god they have never seen, they destroy and slaughter without remorse and it made me think, shouldn’t religion be a personal thing? A private belief? A right for one to believe whatever one chooses to believe, without fear for one’s life?

But I guess, I’m wrong!

The recent campaign of hell unleashed on Christians and other sects like Yazidis by ISIS in Iraq is not something we can conveniently ignore any longer. Everyone has the right to live but things are not as easy as they seem, or are they?

America is a country which prides herself as a Christian nation. When our Prime Minister, David Cameron stated that Britain is a Christian nation, all hell broke loose! Many were quick to state the opposite, while others were quick to say exactly the same thing. I believe Britain is a Christian nation, and anyone who has a problem with that should go and study history. A nation, or people has the right to call or align herself to certain beliefs or way of life. It’s simple, that’s just ‘free will.’

By now, readers and friends of this blog know when I’m trying to approach a sensitive topic, and I’d wrestled with this for over a week now, so the only sane thing to do  is to write it down for, maybe posterity.

I am a Christian, and proud to be so. I would not apologise to anyone for that, because I have a right, and the will, to be a Christ follower. That shouldn’t be a problem, should it? But yeah, it could be a problem if I live in the northern part of Nigeria, or in Iraq, Syria, or Turkey. Islam claims to be a religion of peace, yet Christians are murdered in that part of the world. In Nigeria alone, Boko Haram has murdered more than 12,000 people, majority of them Christians, women, and children!

Let’s go back in history a bit. Let me use Turkey as an example. The country used to be a 100% Christian population before Mehmed II and his marauding soldiers came and destroy Constantinople and turned all their churches into mosques around fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. You may think that’s centuries ago but in 1895, during the ”Hamidian  massacres”  almost 300,000 Armenians were killed by the Ottoman empire who had ruled over them for more than six hundred years. In 1909, more than 30,000 Armenians were again murdered, their blood darkened the streets unchecked. Between 1914 to 1922, more 850,000 Armenians were murdered. Anyone in doubt can check this link for full details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide

Writing in the late 1890s after a visit to the Ottoman Empire, the British ethnographer William Ramsay described the conditions of Armenian life as follows:

”We must, however, go back to an older time, if we want to appreciate what uncontrolled Turkish rule meant, alike to Armenians and to Greeks. It did not mean religious persecution; it meant unutterable contempt … They were dogs and pigs; and their nature was to be Christians, to be spat upon, if their shadow darkened a Turk, to be outraged, to be the mats on which he wiped the mud from his feet. Conceive the inevitable result of centuries of slavery, of subjection to insult and scorn, centuries in which nothing that belonged to the Armenian, neither his property, his house, his life, his person, nor his family, was sacred or safe from violence – capricious, unprovoked violence – to resist which by violence meant death!”

Anyone who says Islam is a religion of peace should go to Borno state in Nigeria, or better still, just type Boko Haram in YouTube and you would see all their gory acts explicitly displayed. If you live in Europe or other parts of the world like I do, don’t think  for a moment that we’re immune from such horrible and cowardly acts, it played out on our streets in London when a soldier was slaughtered like a common ram. True, some Muslims are saddened by the atrocities committed by this terrorists, but the fact remains that Islam seems to seamlessly perpetuate violence where all non-Muslims are considered ‘infidels’ and ripe for the edge of their swords or guns as the case may be.

Islamist terrorists would stop at nothing to maim and kill if given the chance but what do we do? Nothing! As a Christian, and a woman who believes in free will as God Himself does, everyone have a right to worship whomever they wanted, and if you don’t believe in a God seated in heaven, by all means, you’re right to have your opinion. But to impose the will of a certain religion on people, that’s just wrong.

Children as little as five were beheaded in Nigeria, Syria and Iraq. Women were stoned to death or had their throats slits. Christians were rounded up and shot or forced to convert to Islam and then still, they were beheaded. This is not the fifteenth century but it’s happening now. And my fear is that, if this two-faced monster is not curtailed, they could overrun everywhere. People of all faiths should stand up to this threat. Yesterday I read in the newspaper that British grown terrorists were seen distributing leaflets urging Muslims to join their unholy war in Iraq.

This is the Twenty-First century, and by God, Islamist terrorists would fail in their quest to kill and maim the innocent. I’ll be praying, and I hope the US, UK, Europe and other people intent on protecting the sanctity of human life would rise to this threat and quench this rampaging two-faced beast in the name of religion. I believe in peace with all people of all race, colour and way of life, but there would always be those who loves death, as Osama Bin Laden once said, ”Americans love life but we love death.” I pray that humanity would conquer this monsters.

To all my friends worldwide, have a great weekend.

Much love, always!

Rich People, Poor People, All Got Dreams.

Digital StillCamera

(Photo credit: Alfred Bouchard)

”Dreams are the easiest part.”

My daddy used to say that even the devil dare to dream. He wanted to usurp God Almighty but he got a mighty kicking and landed his whiffy butt on earth!

I got dreams too… The good kind.

I want to make people happy, clothe the poor, feed the hungry and make people smile. If I could, I want to wipe tears off Peoples’ faces, I want nations to love one another (that’s a tall dream, sceptics may say, after all, there has been wars from the foundation of the world). All the same, love is important, it’s beautiful and could really save the world! I want the Israelis and Palestinians to let bygones be bygones. I want South Sudan to stop their stupidity and halt the senseless war looming over their innocent citizens. I want to dine with Prince William (and ask him to buy copies of my three books!) Kate, hope you don’t mind? 😉

I got dreams too…

I want to stop the uneasiness clouding people when they see someone whose skin is not as pale or as dark as theirs. I want Syria to stop the bloodshed, I want Nigerians to stop their corruption, I want all religions to be devoid of hatred, in a nutshell?

I want PEACE in all nations, among all people. I want this home of ours (earth) to be a paradise. We shouldn’t forget what’s important, and aptly put, it’s that four letter word, love! Love your friends, neighbours and I believe that would ultimately make the world a better place.

I sure got tall dreams guys! 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your week and I hope you’ll all have peace wherever you are in the world!

Much love, always. 🙂

The Piano

My son came home from school today and told me about this short animation they watched at school. While he recounted the story to me, he had tears in his eyes. I was moved but thought nothing of it. Then before he went to bed, he took my laptop and showed me the animation.

Well, I listened to it and had tears in my eyes too.

It was a very moving story about a man, who lost his wife, friend, son and was only left with his grandson. In all honesty, I couldn’t explain this story using mere words, but I guess if you listen to the music you’ll understand it.

A wise man once said, ”Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge –  meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is  love – enjoy it.” Sai Baba


This week, I hope you’ll all sing life’s song, meet life’s challenges, play life’s game, realise your dreams, offer sacrifices of love and above all, love and enjoy your life!!

Have a great week everyone!

Much love, always!


The Plunge!


 (Photo credit: Flickr)

‘The step between prudence and paranoia

is short and deep.

Prudence wears a seatbelt,

Paranoia avoids cars altogether.

Prudence washes with soap;

Paranoia avoids human contact altogether.

Prudence saves for old age;

Paranoia clings to every penny!

Prudence prepares and plans;

Paranoia panics.

Prudence calculates the risks and takes the plunge;

paranoia never enters the water.’

 * * * * * *

I read this today and it had a profound effect on me. I have been extremely busy at work, and coupled with my upcoming book, it was like walking in a sea of unending deadlines. But then I paused and allowed these words sink into my spirit, mulling it over, I realised that as humans, we’re certainly creatures of comfort, and taking the plunge could be easier said than done.

What do I mean by plunges? They’re simply changes, making new decisions and following them through. Having faith in God and yourself (if you believe in God) and stepping out to make the needed changes to your life. To reach a glorious destiny, you have to stop holding back. Some have changed their lives by going to college and following their dreams, others signed up for reality shows, and some, just improving their skills by attending night school.

But you must first take the plunge!

I need to apologise for my silence, I have been inundated with work and had certainly missed a lot of posts. Please bear with me, and I’ll catch up soon. I’ll be travelling out of London this weekend but would be back next week, before then, I’ll still visit your wonderful websites!

Have a fantastic month!  October had always been my best month (I was born in October! 😉 ) and as the weekend inch closer, just have fun and enjoy life!

Much love, always!


Life’s 3rd Edition…


Fred Fokkleman

(Photo credit: Fred Fokkelman)


Strange blog post you might say but how good would it be if one can have different editions of one’s life! As a writer, I can edit and re edit scenes, but that’s different about life! You can not rewind or re-edit things you don’t like. Most books have first, second and third editions. Life is not like that, we can’t have any editions, we’ve only got one shot! One edition…

Everyone who has been my friend on this blog knows I believe in God and the supernatural, I also believe in the good will and love of people and I really need a few prayers thrown my way today for a family friend (she’s more like my sister really) I’m going to call her SA.

SA is going to have open heart operation (she’s got holes in her heart) this Wednesday at one of the best heart hospitals in the world, St Bartholomew hospital in London and I must confess that sometimes I’m scared, sometimes I have faith and sometimes I wonder what the future hold for my dear SA. But I believe in the prayers and love of people. I would be there, holding her hand as she’s wheeled into the theatre and I’m sure things would work out fine.

Please pray for my sister SA, she needs it. It’s a massive, life changing operation…

I wish you love and peace wherever you are in the world. Live well dear friends.

Much love, always.


Ancient Secrets!





Evelyn found herself in a dark slimy pit.

She looked around wildly but knew she was alone. She stood up; trying to feel her way around, then heard a low rumbling sound.

Evelyn screamed and it echoed. The sound reverberated and seemed to bounce back on the thin walls. Sobs racked through her body at her desolation. Wherever she was, her destiny was worse than before. She felt a tremor, looked down at her feet, and saw a big opening on the floor. There was a cracking sound and the ground slowly divided into two. She found herself flying to the other side of the pit and when she looked up; the sun was streaming down into the pit.

Surprisingly, a chain materialized from nowhere spinning towards her direction. She grinded her teeth in anticipation as she grabbed the chain but it was so hot it burnt her palms and she screamed out in pain and released it. The gaping hole on the ground was now closing together, Evelyn knelt down and peered inside it as flames of fire spurted out and suddenly, a creature came out of the flames.

He was a very good-looking man.

His hair was dark and curly; his eyes brown and his skin was a bronze like colour, a white robe covered his body.

”Come and I will lead you out of this place but there will be a covenant between us.”

Evelyn stared at the creature and at her surroundings, she had no recollection of how she got into the pit but she did remember her daughter, Caroline. She wanted to get back to her as soon as possible.

”I will do anything, please just get me out of here.” She said desperately; hope lighting up her entire being.




Hey friends, this is an excerpt from ‘The Feet Of Darkness,’ I hope you like it. One thing I’ve realised about life is this, there are so many ancient secrets lurking beneath the shadows, all around. Look at the Ohio Kidnap – how can three women be held against their will for ten solid years! It defies explanation but that’s how cruel life is…

Here’s a link to the novel if you’re interested.

http://www.amazon.com/The-Feet-Of-Darkness-Overcome/dp/0957593007/ref=tmm_pap_title_0   Amazon US

http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Feet-Of-Darkness-Overcome/dp/0957593007/ref=tmm_pap_title_0  Amazon UK


Do take a moment to hit ‘like’ on Amazon, and if you want to read more, you can buy the book! Have a great day friends.

Much love. 🙂


A Track Of Light!


Sunshine (Photo credit: Emdadi)

”I will not wish thee riches, nor the glow of greatness,

But that wherever you go, some weary heart shall

Gladden at thy smile, or shadowed life know

Sunshine for a while.

And so thy path shall be a track of light,

Like angel’s footsteps passing through the night!

(inscriptions words on a church wall in Upwaltham, England, Petworth, West Sussex)


These words gladden my heart and I hope you’ll find wisdom in it friends!

Much Love.
