Solemn London


(Extremism is like a cancer, eating deep into our freedom…)

As a lover of peace, freedom, and justice, I am appalled and sickened by the continuous senseless attack on innocent people by Islamist Extremism. Enough is enough! This evil must be rooted out, we can’t allow this to continue. Things has to change. Our tolerance as a nation is akin to weakness, most of my friends, even Muslims, believed as a country, we’ve pandered towards Islamist extremism, we need that to stop!

As a Christian, I can’t openly practice my faith if I were in Saudi Arabia but here in the UK, and every part of Europe, Muslims are free to practice their faith. I believe liberalism and political correctness is changing the landscape of this country.

In the wake of the Manchester and London Bridge Attack, I read William Blake’s poem with tears in my eyes!

I wandered through each chartered street,
Near where the chartered Thames does flow,
A mark in every face I meet,
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every man,
In every infant’s cry of fear,
In every voice, in every ban,
The mind-forged manacles I hear:

How the chimney-sweeper’s cry
Every blackening church appals,
And the hapless soldier’s sigh
Runs in blood down palace-walls.

But most, through midnight streets I hear
How the youthful harlot’s curse
Blasts the new-born infant’s tear,
And blights with plagues the marriage-hearse.


 Islamist terrorism will not prevail in our nation but I also believe the Muslim communities have a lot to do to eradicate the vermin of extremism.

What are the Imams teaching young impressionable youths in their mosques? Why are young virile Muslims full of hatred and bitterness against Westernisation? I do believe that most of those who hate this country shouldn’t have any business living here.

There would continually be an excuse for evil to reign. The West had been blamed for majority of the crisis in the Middle East but if I remember correctly, the Arab Spring was not caused by the West. I believe in love, forgiveness, and peace. But I also believe in justice. And if there was one consolation to the debacle and orgy of violence unleashed on our cities in recent days, the death of the three cowardly Jihadists was decisive and just.

In this sad times, I pray for the families of everyone affected by the Manchester and London Bridge Attack. As our Prime Minister had said, Enough Is Enough!!!

The Two Face Monster!


the battle

I love this wise statement from Mahatma Gandhi, ”My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him.” Gandhi extol the virtues of peace and truth, something I think the world lacks today. A friend of mine said recently that religion has shed more blood in human history and that was why he’s an atheist. Grudgingly, I agreed. People kill in the name of a god they have never seen, they destroy and slaughter without remorse and it made me think, shouldn’t religion be a personal thing? A private belief? A right for one to believe whatever one chooses to believe, without fear for one’s life?

But I guess, I’m wrong!

The recent campaign of hell unleashed on Christians and other sects like Yazidis by ISIS in Iraq is not something we can conveniently ignore any longer. Everyone has the right to live but things are not as easy as they seem, or are they?

America is a country which prides herself as a Christian nation. When our Prime Minister, David Cameron stated that Britain is a Christian nation, all hell broke loose! Many were quick to state the opposite, while others were quick to say exactly the same thing. I believe Britain is a Christian nation, and anyone who has a problem with that should go and study history. A nation, or people has the right to call or align herself to certain beliefs or way of life. It’s simple, that’s just ‘free will.’

By now, readers and friends of this blog know when I’m trying to approach a sensitive topic, and I’d wrestled with this for over a week now, so the only sane thing to do  is to write it down for, maybe posterity.

I am a Christian, and proud to be so. I would not apologise to anyone for that, because I have a right, and the will, to be a Christ follower. That shouldn’t be a problem, should it? But yeah, it could be a problem if I live in the northern part of Nigeria, or in Iraq, Syria, or Turkey. Islam claims to be a religion of peace, yet Christians are murdered in that part of the world. In Nigeria alone, Boko Haram has murdered more than 12,000 people, majority of them Christians, women, and children!

Let’s go back in history a bit. Let me use Turkey as an example. The country used to be a 100% Christian population before Mehmed II and his marauding soldiers came and destroy Constantinople and turned all their churches into mosques around fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. You may think that’s centuries ago but in 1895, during the ”Hamidian  massacres”  almost 300,000 Armenians were killed by the Ottoman empire who had ruled over them for more than six hundred years. In 1909, more than 30,000 Armenians were again murdered, their blood darkened the streets unchecked. Between 1914 to 1922, more 850,000 Armenians were murdered. Anyone in doubt can check this link for full details:

Writing in the late 1890s after a visit to the Ottoman Empire, the British ethnographer William Ramsay described the conditions of Armenian life as follows:

”We must, however, go back to an older time, if we want to appreciate what uncontrolled Turkish rule meant, alike to Armenians and to Greeks. It did not mean religious persecution; it meant unutterable contempt … They were dogs and pigs; and their nature was to be Christians, to be spat upon, if their shadow darkened a Turk, to be outraged, to be the mats on which he wiped the mud from his feet. Conceive the inevitable result of centuries of slavery, of subjection to insult and scorn, centuries in which nothing that belonged to the Armenian, neither his property, his house, his life, his person, nor his family, was sacred or safe from violence – capricious, unprovoked violence – to resist which by violence meant death!”

Anyone who says Islam is a religion of peace should go to Borno state in Nigeria, or better still, just type Boko Haram in YouTube and you would see all their gory acts explicitly displayed. If you live in Europe or other parts of the world like I do, don’t think  for a moment that we’re immune from such horrible and cowardly acts, it played out on our streets in London when a soldier was slaughtered like a common ram. True, some Muslims are saddened by the atrocities committed by this terrorists, but the fact remains that Islam seems to seamlessly perpetuate violence where all non-Muslims are considered ‘infidels’ and ripe for the edge of their swords or guns as the case may be.

Islamist terrorists would stop at nothing to maim and kill if given the chance but what do we do? Nothing! As a Christian, and a woman who believes in free will as God Himself does, everyone have a right to worship whomever they wanted, and if you don’t believe in a God seated in heaven, by all means, you’re right to have your opinion. But to impose the will of a certain religion on people, that’s just wrong.

Children as little as five were beheaded in Nigeria, Syria and Iraq. Women were stoned to death or had their throats slits. Christians were rounded up and shot or forced to convert to Islam and then still, they were beheaded. This is not the fifteenth century but it’s happening now. And my fear is that, if this two-faced monster is not curtailed, they could overrun everywhere. People of all faiths should stand up to this threat. Yesterday I read in the newspaper that British grown terrorists were seen distributing leaflets urging Muslims to join their unholy war in Iraq.

This is the Twenty-First century, and by God, Islamist terrorists would fail in their quest to kill and maim the innocent. I’ll be praying, and I hope the US, UK, Europe and other people intent on protecting the sanctity of human life would rise to this threat and quench this rampaging two-faced beast in the name of religion. I believe in peace with all people of all race, colour and way of life, but there would always be those who loves death, as Osama Bin Laden once said, ”Americans love life but we love death.” I pray that humanity would conquer this monsters.

To all my friends worldwide, have a great weekend.

Much love, always!

A Safe Haven!

Andras Petaron

(Photo credit: Andras Petaron)

I just can’t keep quiet, my heart is heavy, my spirit is crushed.

I looked round wildly like a horse in darkness and couldn’t make a sense of this horrific, senseless killing.

I couldn’t get the image of the deranged killer out of my mind.

I couldn’t sleep.

I believe in peace but this is too much to bear.

This is a wonderful world,

But this is also a violent world!

How can one truly explain this?

Britain is a safe haven,

 A great country fighting for justice,

She has opened her arms wide,

Invited people of all nations through her borders.

Yet, some people would not be satisfied.

They would kill in the name of a spineless god.

Thousands have been killed in the name of religion,

But I still believed in this safe haven.

My prayers to the mother and family of the slain soldier.

He is a hero, to me and many other mothers like me.

God bless Great Britain.

I have tried to avoid watching television but reading newspapers this morning, brought hell. This is bad, and sickening. Something must be done. There is so much violence in the world, and violence would not end wars.

Live well dear friends.

Much love, always!

Love’s Eternal Struggle!

FALLing in Love

FALLing in Love (Photo credit: atkinson000)

When I was in university, I was a diehard fan of happily ever after novels, those little Mills and Boon paperback where the dashing handsome (and often wealthy) man always falls in love with the pretty, saintly secretary. I was a sucker of the phrase ”love conquers all” but my myopic views about love was to be shattered in a bizarre incident and though it was restored back, it took a while for me to fully grasp the enormity of that simple phrase. But I am not going into that today, maybe some other time.

The phrase, ” love at first sight” is flawed and that is my opinion, it should be adjudged as ”lust at first sight,” and believe me folks there is real love, because I love my husband and I know he loves me but in the world we live in now, that doesn’t seemed to be enough. Sex has taken over, and it’s been like that for a long time.

Men by nature are naturally moved by what they see, women too, are moved by the sight of a handsome man. I like the sight of a well dressed man but still, I am not moved by that because I am totally committed to my marriage and guys don’t get me wrong, I am not inferring that men can’t love truly but the percentage of men who fall by the way side is considerably higher.

The number one killer of any relationship is unfaithfulness, infidelity, adultery, you name it and human beings are territorial, nobody loved the idea of sharing the person they sincerely love with another.

One of my girlfriends once told me she was in love with three guys and can’t seemed to choose the right one. I was mortified, how can you be in love with two-three guys at the same time? That’s just not possible… I know people might consider my opinion as naive but really, can you love four people equally? Citing the case of Islam where men are allowed to marry more than one wife, four? That’s impossible, there is no way you can rationalise it, it can’t work!

Love will continually struggle to make sense of how people easily thrash it in the can, I know love is not enough in marriage, there must be mutual respect, fidelity, trust, selflessness, kindness, the list is endless, but love is an integral part of it. Without love there is no basis for any relationship in the first place.

In a society where people arrogate great importance to the physical attributes of a woman, and the financial capabilities of a man, love will continually struggle. A successful relationship will bear many scars but its workability depends on the extent of commitment  and the ability and willingness to work it out no matter what may happen.

Sadly, divorce is rampant, but many could have been avoided and children caught in the crossfire of warring parents would have been spared the agony but these innocent children through no fault of their own will be scarred by the brutality of it all. Children don’t understand, they can’t! Why is daddy moving away?, why is mummy leaving home? These are the kind of questions kids asks when their parents split.

Maybe my views is truly myopic but I think love can still conquer all…

Do you honestly believe me?