Human Stories

Photo by Tetyana Kovyrina on

There are days when I genuinely believe things can’t get worse, and it did. Humanity appears to be a lost cause. People are selfish, filled with hatred, bigotry, disillusioned, and feigned superiority when, in fact, we’re all the same, woven from the same cloth by blood. Many people are more interested in personal ambition than the welfare of their fellow citizens. You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this, but you should have guessed by now.

If I were an alien (a real one from space), I’d probably wonder why humans are so stupid, thick-headed and delusional. Time is so short, yet humans believe they will live forever. We (I’m human, after all, surprise!) decimate everything we touch. We kill, plunder, and are consumed by our wanton desires to have more, not minding the many souls we trample upon in the process.

Daniel Anjorin – May his soul rest in peace.

The merciless killings in our cities and the ongoing wars in Ukraine, Haiti, Gaza/Israel, Congo and countless other countries are never-ending. On Wednesday, I woke up to the distressing news of Daniel Anjorin, a 14-year-old boy murdered by a 36-year-old man, Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo, with a Samurai sword. The boy was going to school; he was not in a war zone, yet his life was brutally cut short, which is a testament to our very diseased society. I have a 14-year-old who comes home alone, and I can emphathise with Daniel’s parents. Marcus wounded two officers who bravely intervened, and four other people were harmed in the frenzied attack.

Photo by Steve Johnson on

However, our political leaders are keen to score cheap political points that will accelerate their careers rather than find a lasting solution to the violence in our cities and world. They whip up people’s emotions, creating a culture of fear and hallucination and ruthlessly feeding off the vulnerability of the crowd at political rallies. I believe the hottest part of hell is reserved for politicians.

I am a pacifist, I don’t believe violence can solve the world’s problems, but when we have ‘big babies’ as world leaders who jostle and boast about the nation with the best ‘nukes’, it just drives home the point that the innocent always suffer at the decisions of these little men in power. 

Human history/story is filled with wars, and I despair at our world. But I am also a positive person, so I’ll keep praying and hoping that one day, we’ll have sane leaders who truly care for their countries.

Until then, stay safe everyone!

Much love, always. 🙂


Part of a Movement: It’s The New Year!

Photo Credit: Flickr

No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible

George Chakiris

As 2021 draws to a close, it has been another extraordinary and challenging year—a replica of 2020. I have taken stock of my life, and I am grateful and blessed to be alive, surrounded by love. Many people aren’t so lucky, and that’s not lost on me. 

Our world has changed in more ways than one. We are still battling a pandemic that has taken over millions of lives; I have lost count of the dead. Yet, our world finds a way to renew. When a new day dawn, we repeat living all over again. People fall in love; they fight, bicker, and save lives. People have just been, well, human.

I love the peeping clouds!

However, I am determined to live my life as part of a positive movement of change. I want to make a difference and foster love rather than hatred, encouraging generations of people who are determined to preserve life, not destroy it.  

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. we are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day

Edith lovejoy pierce

I will not make a new year resolution. Instead, I want to put a smile a people’s faces. We all need to laugh more and enjoy every moment of our lives. Why? Because our time on this part of heaven is so short.

Happy New Year to all my friends and everyone reading this. May God bless and keep you all!

Much love, always.

Saving Humans



                                                                 Photo credit: Flickr

We’re all human, aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same and worth saving.”

J. K Rowling

Humanity has always been on the brink of destruction several times.

Studying history is akin to studying the art and history of warfare.

We kill, we hate, we love.

And then we do it all over again, forgetting that we bleed the same.

And we walk in twos, talk and smile.

We all have hopes and dreams.

We teach our children to hate another, we fear what we don’t know.

We change history.

Hatred destroys the hater because we were once created to love and laugh.
Hatred twisted the reason we exist.

When you love people, you love yourself.

When you hate, you’re killing your essence, your humanity.

It’s the law of the universe.

So, what do we do?
Let’s love ourselves.



Much love, always!


*Please visit my new website:

It is packed with unseen footage of my new documentary ‘Chasing Humans’, I am also using the website for one of my Master’s degree course. I would be publishing new articles on it today and every fortnight. I would also appreciate any comment and discussion on the blog.*

Thank you, guys! 🙂

Artist John Seymour Lucas 1849-1923. Dated 1885


The world is still reeling from the effects of Coronavirus, here in the UK, we have the second-highest number of deaths in the world. It’s nothing to be proud of, it is heart-wrenching. I know a few people who have been affected by the passing of a loved one, believe me, it is not a good place to be.

Life is beautiful and challenging at the same time. When my dad passed away, I thought the world has come to an end, and when my family and friends consoled me with the fact that, time is a great healer, I didn’t believe them.

Is time really a healer? How do we tell the thousands of people who have lost loved ones that time heals? In my experience, time doesn’t stop the pain, even time cannot replace a loved one. Time can only give you the space to grieve and come to terms with their passing.

I think of my dad every day, just like that painting of the artist John Seymour Lucas, we can never replace time lost. It’s gone forever. However, we can cherish the memories, and hold them dear to our hearts.

As I was rummaging through the cellar today and found this precious painting of the artist Seymour Lucas, so we can check through our memories and find treasures of loved ones, who have been locked safely away bursting forth in our hearts. We can recapture times of joy, of laughter permeating through the fog of sadness, shining gloriously through the tears and sorrow.

TIME doesn’t heal, it helps us in our moment of weakness, to reclaim everything we hold dear.

Much love, always! 🙂

The Fight for Freedom

                                                      (Allied forces in a landing craft, 6th June 1944)

It’s 75 years tomorrow when allied forces landed in the vast beaches of Normandy, France. Several European nations came together after Germany occupied France. These brave soldiers waged a decisive battle against Adolf Hitler and his German forces entrenched in occupied France, and their bravery finally fostered peace in Europe, and the rest of the world.

Whether we have been able to achieve enduring world-wide peace is still up for discussion at a later date, but the Allied forces put an end to the gory adventures of Adolf Hitler, and many of us live in relative peace today. The fight for freedom was encapsulated in a moving speech by William Churchill on May 18 1944, he said:

‘’We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land, and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory despite all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be.’’

The United Kingdom, under the leadership of William Churchill, joined the rest of Allied forces to fight against a force so brutal it is intent on the total annihilation of several nations of the world. The Allied forces worked towards the goal of defeating the enemy on 6th June 1944.

They are our heroes.

The world is not totally at peace, but what we have today is a luxury we can only dream of if Adolf Hitler’s dream to rule the whole world was realised.

Let us rejoice today, and hopefully, the coming days will see a more peaceful world free from slavery, racism, poverty, murders, hatred, and petty human emotions that inhibit living peaceful lives.

NP: I haven’t been able to update my website due to health issues, work commitments, and postgraduate studies. I have respite for a few months and would endeavour to post more articles and would also visit many blogs as much as I can.

Much love, always. 🙂

Surviving Decay…

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      (Photo credit: Flickr)

”Although the living is subject to the ruin of the time, the process of decay is at the same time a process of crystallisation, that in the depth of the sea, into which sinks and is dissolved what once was alive, some things ‘suffer a sea-change’ and survive in new crystallised forms and shapes that remain immune to the elements, as though they waited only for the pearl diver who one day will come down to them and bring them up into the world of the living.”

Hannah Arendt.

I saw this quote by one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century. I studied some of her writings, and was pretty impressed by her bluntness, ingenuity, and simplicity. Some  of her works are ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism, ‘The Human Condition,’ ‘On Revolution,’ and ‘The Human Mind.’

It’s a known fact that when we don’t really use our cognitive function, we rot and decay. It’s no wonder that people with warped views of the world and society caused most of the evil in this present age. In layman terms, cognitive function can be aptly described as ‘an intellectual process by which one becomes aware of, perceives, or comprehends ideas. It involves all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning and remembering.’

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I won’t go into too much details about the lack of this important aspect of our civility as humans, I’ll just try to touch base with some of the setbacks we would experience if we don’t use our brains. Lack of cognitive function is responsible for most of the ills in our societies today. Citing the examples of religious bigots like Islamic State murderers, Boko Haram and serial killers whose brain have been irreparably damaged by their intellectual paucity, its little wonder that they believe in fables and riddles purportedly yarn to elicit their obedience.

Decay is essentially part of all living things, we are born, we live, we grow old or maybe not, and then we die and the decaying would start. All living things, especially humans, have the extraordinary ability to survive decay through our offspring, thought patterns, actions and deeds.

How do we leave great legacies behind? How do we defeat the theory of decay which governs all living things? It’s simple – our thought processes is as important as the air we breathe because that would ultimately affect our choices in life, beliefs, and the quotidian or relatively mundane life we led.

Another thing I wanted to point out, also by Arendt, was the effect of thoughtlessness in the life of human beings, it’s always disastrous to lead a thoughtless life. This was aptly described when Hannah Arendt went to Jerusalem on behalf of The New Yorker, to report the trial of Otto Adolf  Eichmann, who was accused of crimes against the Jewish people, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Arendt described Eichmann as thoughtless;  quiet authentic inability to think. Succinctly put, absence of critical thoughts can actually turn us into a monstrous, stupid, or crass entity who could be easily blown apart by every wind of doctrine.

Critical thoughts are what makes us the higher beings, capable of making sane, rational decisions. That’s simply what differentiated us from animals.

Arendt is a political theorist but many scholars hailed her as a philosopher. I love reading her works, it makes me think deeply about life and society in general. The above quote could be used and interpreted in several ways, I have chosen my way and that is the fact that we can surely survive decay. We only need to think and we’re free to create a better life for ourselves and everyone around us. Life is in stages, enjoy it while you can and THINK before you act.

NP: The life of a writer is a lonely one, I’m still slaving away on my books hence the sporadic updates on my website. I’ll be visiting your blogs as time permits. I hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts, I’ll love to read what you think. 🙂

Enjoy the rest of your week my friends!

Much love, always. 🙂

Out Of The Ashes

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I believe in life after death, not every one does, but I do. Human beings aren’t merely flesh and blood, we have souls, and soul are indestructible. I’ve got friends who are atheists, so I’m not going to expand too much on this before I start a debate that would rival a sitting in the House of Commons.

Yesterday marked exactly ten years when people with warped views of life took the lives of 52 Londoners, they also left almost 100 people with life changing injuries and scars. Yeah I know, my post is a day late but the topic isn’t. After work yesterday, I caught a few glimpse on the news and was sad at such wanton destruction of human lives. But I was proud, (in fact, I still am) to be a Londoner. Years has passed, but we’ve grown stronger as a city. More tourists visited London than ever before, I love travelling on the tube, bus or on a private car. It’s testament to the fact that evil will and cannot win.

If we read the news, there’s always stuff that would make our tummies churn (my daughter always says that), but life isn’t all gore and horror. There’s the incomparable breath of fresh air, there’s the sheer joy of clean water, what about the juicy goodness of an orange? The list is endless, life is good, and it’s tough, I won’t dispute that.

The relatives of the 7/7 bombing and the senseless and needless attack in Sousse would be comforted by the love and prayers sent their way. I believe in prayers but I also believe in living each day with a heart of thanksgiving in spite of my circumstances, that, I believe is what would keep me sane and out of the ashes of stress and despair. My husband used to say that everyone has problems, it’s just our ways of dealing with life’s daily grind that’s different.

I would end my post with this simple quote from Groucho Marx, ‘I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.’ 15598033400_01b66cb659_k (2) NP: I’m still writing, albeit slowly. I’ve informed my publisher of my inability to submit my manuscripts until next year. Life seems to have a way of sending many distractions my way and I always oblige 🙂 I hope everyone is fine. Please, stay safe! Much love to you guys, always! 🙂 🙂

The Bystanders

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(Photo credit: Flickr)

Today marked the 7oth year of the liberation of that notorious death trap in Poland, Auschwitz. It’s a solemn day for the 300 hundred survivors who attended. Roman Kent, who gave a very moving speech where he implored people not to become bystanders, those words stood out for me. The word struck a chord in my heart, and I realise that by and large, we could be guilty of being a bystander.

We can do more to make the world a better place, but rather, we sometimes turn our eyes away, thinking, ‘it’s not my problem, I’ve got enough of my own.’ True, we all have one baggage or the other tied to our tired gait, but if every human on this planet (minus ISIS, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram  and all those crazed lunatics prancing about killing innocent people in the name of their blood sucking god, they relish in murders anyway), decides to stamp out evil, malice, hatred and our differences, we would be living in a crime-free world indeed.

I don’t want to be a bystander, I really don’t. If we all feel like that, maybe, there would be a chance that the world would prevent another near annihilation of innocent people.

For this post not to be an irony, I have to state categorically that Auschwitz is practically repeating itself all over the world. Killings of civilians continue unabated while the world looks on unperturbed. If I were to be the president of the world, I would abolish all weapons of mass destruction. However, since I am not, and would never be, I think I would be able to abolish hatred on my street.

Spreading a little love around need not bring any ills to the giver, and while I go to work daily afraid of a bomb going off by a crazed Jihadist, I still have hope that one day, all that ails the world would soon be forgotten.

I know we can’t choose where we come from but we can choose where we go from there.

I remain your loyal friend. 🙂

NP: I have missed several posts from some of you, please bear with me friends. This new adventure I’d recently embarked upon (writing two novels at once) makes me search for time, but I would find it and visit your lovely sites soon!

Much love, always! 🙂

A Safe Haven!

Andras Petaron

(Photo credit: Andras Petaron)

I just can’t keep quiet, my heart is heavy, my spirit is crushed.

I looked round wildly like a horse in darkness and couldn’t make a sense of this horrific, senseless killing.

I couldn’t get the image of the deranged killer out of my mind.

I couldn’t sleep.

I believe in peace but this is too much to bear.

This is a wonderful world,

But this is also a violent world!

How can one truly explain this?

Britain is a safe haven,

 A great country fighting for justice,

She has opened her arms wide,

Invited people of all nations through her borders.

Yet, some people would not be satisfied.

They would kill in the name of a spineless god.

Thousands have been killed in the name of religion,

But I still believed in this safe haven.

My prayers to the mother and family of the slain soldier.

He is a hero, to me and many other mothers like me.

God bless Great Britain.

I have tried to avoid watching television but reading newspapers this morning, brought hell. This is bad, and sickening. Something must be done. There is so much violence in the world, and violence would not end wars.

Live well dear friends.

Much love, always!

Madness Of A Mob

The price placed on human life is significantly lower than that of animals in some countries and it is scary to even think about it. I was sent straight to the stone age when the news broke about a horrible lynching in Nigeria.

The scene was akin to something you’d watch in a low budget horror movie, it was gory and I couldn’t bring myself to watch the whole sordid thing on YouTube but this horrible madness should be vehemently condemned.

The story broke out on Friday evening and initially the facts surrounding the events leading up to the lynching were sketchy but by the time all the facts were laid bare, I was literally shaking with disgust. I think it was last Friday when four university students in Port Harcourt, River state in southern part of Nigeria were alleged to have been caught red-handed stealing mobile phones and laptop, and ‘jungle’ justice was meted out on them.

So the boys were caught stealing but that does not warrant such an act of barbarism and coward disregard for the rule of law and the sanctity of human life. The Norwegian monster, Breivik who murdered young people on a retreat was jailed for a mere twenty one years, actually he deserved the death penalty for his actions but Norway was trying to send a message out and I think it should be phrased thus ”WE ARE CIVILISED”

This act of taking laws into one’s own hands shows the level in which a society has disintegrated to, it’s disgraceful, inhumane and evil. I knew some people have been apprehended but what would come out from such a trial? It is really scary that at this age, human beings could descend so low to kill and even have the audacity of filming the whole sordid act.

The perpetrators should be apprehended and dealt with in a civilised manner. I am sure Hitler would be grinning wherever he is, because he’s got company.

Only God knows the madness inherent in people…