Beauty In The Midst Of Decadence

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(Photo credit: Guga)


Angela rushed through the meadows, her brown hair flying in the wind, to a percipient onlooker, she’s the picture of perfection and beauty. I watched her keenly as Jasper pulled me along the rough footpath. The howling wind whipped my cheeks savagely and I glanced up at the gloomy sky. Suddenly, my skin began to crawl and I had one of the most uneasy sensations since I left the house with Jasper. I sensed danger, Jasper whined and began to bark. I looked round widely and spotted the brown-haired girl.

That was all I saw and I sprung to action, I ran as if my life depended on it, luckily, we got there on time. I caught hold of her legs and everything paled into a blur. I was  glad I acted when I did. I saved a girl from killing herself!

* * * * * *

The above story is mere fiction, but beautiful if one way or the other, we could interrupt tragedy and save a dying soul from despair. Angela was just 12 years old, and yet, she wanted to kill herself, why? Because of cyber bullying. We live in such a fast-moving world, it’s scary sometimes. I was a virgin when I entered university and met my husband, but kids of today have had sexual relations as young as 9 years old! Though I believe we can still preserve the beauty and innocence of our children,  we just have to create more time and let them know we care about even the mundane details of their lives. I was a teenager once, so I know the feeling. As a parent, I care about young people and pray that we would do enough to make this world a better place, but I believe it starts from the home front, don’t you think?

Next week, I’ll be promoting some author friends, if anyone is interested in joining in my little adventure please drop a message on my contact page! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

NP: I have had a very busy but interesting week and must have missed lots of awesome posts! Please bear with me friends, I’ll stop by your blogs as soon as I can!! 😉

Much love, always.


And They Were Men!

Glenda Otero

(Glenda Otero)

Rippling muscles, maybe none!

Great smiles, baritones voices;

They searched for food, they found a home,

 They looked for success, they found contentment,

Great men don’t have to be in your screens,

Great men were not born

They were made.

Not all are fathers…

Not all fathers are great…

Some, were just men.

One great man said,

”No other success in life – not being President, wealthy, or going to college, or writing a book, or anything else – comes up to the success of the MAN ( or woman) who can feel that they have done their duty and their children and grandchildren rise up and call them blessed!”

                                                                                                                                                                         ”President Theodore Roosevelt

I think President Roosevelt was right. Nowadays, we  have so many absentee fathers but I’m not going to dwell on that today! I just want to praise great men, like my dad, my husband, Alastair Forbes, Freddie, Roderick Craig Low… just a few among the throng of really great men. Happy father’s day to you guys, we (your daughters, wives, partners, friends,) appreciate you.

I hope you are enjoying your day and I hope you’ll have a fantastic week as well.

Much love, always!

🙂 🙂

Legacy Of Honour

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 The hot African sun shone in all its ferocious splendour, casting a glow on the darkened skin of the woman hoeing and pulling weeds in the corn farm, she stood briefly to stretch her back as her bones screech in protest.

 In faraway India, the tired feminine figure trudged on, pulling the heavy load of rice and in New York, Annabel typed furiously in her cubicle, her manager casting surreptitious glances in her direction. However, her mind was on Michael, her two month old son, whom she dropped in her mother’s house on her way to work. She returned early from maternity leave after her husband’s redundancy, her salary was all they lived on.

In Nigeria, Victoria raced home, her brown face squeezed together like a wrinkled orange. Friends brought her seventeen year old daughter from university, plagued with a mysterious illness. Victoria’s eyes redden with tears, her heart beating like a banjo drum, though she has nine children, the thought of losing one was simply unbearable.

Two weeks later, her daughter was strong enough and she went back to campus but the next morning, Victoria stood in front of her daughter’s hostel, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. When the daughter saw Victoria, she flew into her arms.

”Mummy, why are you here?’

”I wanted to be sure you’re alright!’ Victoria said and joy surged in her heart when she saw her daughter’s healthy countenance.

The daughter smiled and bade her mother farewell. Victoria left the campus and went back to work.

Victoria is my mother and here I am today, well and strong, my mother always feared for my life, I can’t blame her. I was very sickly while growing up. To all great mothers, women, girls everywhere, I salute you in honour. Let us all leave a legacy worth mentioning to generations yet unborn.

Thanks for reading, and to our men folks, you complete us!

Much love, always!

The Watchman


Watchman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The angel fell down with a thud and grabbed hold of Arianna, she spurned round and screamed, her eyes turned red and her mother shook her so she could come back to reality.

”You’re safe now, it was all a dream,” she whispered stroking her hair and singing softly until she slept again, her head in her mother’s arms.

Arianna’s mom gently laid her on the bed and pulled the duvet up to her chin and silently tiptoed out of the room but before she closed the door, her daughter whispered,

”He is with me mom, I am no longer afraid.”

A light shone above her head while a huge mysterious man sat by the window pane, watching her sleep. The night was quiet but Arianna’s snoring was like a slow ballad in a quiet night. The man watching sleep smiled and waited, he would stay with her until dawn and for the rest of her life.

Her mother smiled and closed the door, but she lingered outside her daughter’s door, listening for any sound but she heard nothing and then she walked to her own room, safe in the knowledge that Arianna’s sleep will no longer be punctuated with nightmares.

But is Arianna safe?

This is just a short illustration intended for this post.

Like Arianna, we live in a world fraught with dangers but we need to have an anchor, someone we can trust, somebody to run to when the going gets tough, someone to sing with in time of jubilee, and someone to talk to in our moment of fear.

We cannot leave our lives to chance, blown about by every wind of doctrine, we need a watchman, someone to care for our soul, to give us a reason for living.

I believe nobody was born as a mistake, there is purpose to every life, a reason for our existence.

I have found mine, have you found yours?