Peace in a Cruel World

We live in a world often marred by conflict, disease, and negativity, finding peace can seem like an elusive dream. So, how do we find peace in such a cacophony of negative events? How do we keep ourselves grounded? I’ve decided to do five things:

Limit News Consumption: While staying informed is essential, constant exposure to negative news can be overwhelming. I have decided two set boundaries on my news consumption to prevent information overload.

Positive Meditation: I am a Christian, and I realise the more I read God’s Word, the calmer and peaceful I am. This world is full of negative things but the more we read, and pray and focus on positive things, the more we’ll have power over negative thoughts and influences. One of my favourite scripture quote is below:

 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Philippians 4:8

If I want to make myself sad, I’ll just dwell on the things that I think are not working in my life, or think of a past traumatic event. But when I realise I don’t have control over certain things, but I have control on my reactions. So, I do what I do best: pray and trust God to do what only He can do.

Be Kind: Kindness doesn’t take anything from us, rather, it makes us better people. I treat people the way I want to be treated, with kindness and empathy, and by doing that, I realise I am peaceful and can navigate through this cruel, complex world. I love the quote below:

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Help Others: Volunteering or helping those in need can be immensely fulfilling. Acts of kindness not only benefit others but also bring a sense of purpose and inner peace. When I help people, I forget about my problems and in a strange way, God always resolves them when I least expected.

Focus on Self-Care: I prioritise self-care activities such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Taking care of my physical and mental health is crucial for maintaining peace. Taking care of ourselves is crucial, a sick person can’t take care of others. So practise self-love.

There are several ways we can find peace in this chaotic, tumultuous world of ours, but practising the above has helped me, even when faced with circumstances beyond my control.

I wrote this article on Friday, and woke up on Saturday to news of Hamas attacking Israel. I pray for peace in our world.

Take care of yourselves wherever you are in the world.

Much love, always! 🙂


In a world where silence can be deafening and noise overwhelming, we often underestimate the immense power of the right words. Words possess a profound ability to shape realities, ignite emotions, and create lasting imprints on the tapestry of our lives. With a single word, we can bridge the gap between souls, uniting hearts that were once strangers. We can kindle the flame of inspiration, awakening dormant dreams and pushing the boundaries of what is believed to be possible. A word of encouragement can breathe life into weary spirits, nurturing resilience and instilling the strength to persevere.

Yet, sometimes, words can be wielded as weapons, inflicting wounds that cut deeper than any physical pain. They can tear down the strongest foundations, shattering the delicate harmony of relationships and leaving lasting scars on vulnerable hearts. The damage inflicted by a thoughtless comment can reverberate for years, eroding confidence and casting shadows upon once vibrant souls. We can see plenty of evidence around. Just check social media, and the hatred is staggering!

Words can heal, uplift, build bridges, and tear them down. The right words can unite, divide, inspire, discourage, and empower. The responsibility lies with us, the custodians of language, to choose our words with care and intention, for they have the potential to leave indelible imprints on the lives of others.

Let’s harness the power of words to create worlds of compassion, empathy, and understanding. Let’s paint portraits of hope using vibrant colours of encouragement and affirmation. Let’s craft narratives that celebrate diversity, challenge injustice, and elevate the voices of the marginalised. In the symphony of human existence, may our words be the harmonious notes that resonate with love, empathy, and unity.

In the end, it’s through words that we connect, express, and shape the very essence of our humanity. Let’s never underestimate the power we hold within our tongues and pens. May we choose our words wisely, for they have the potential to transform lives and leave an enduring legacy in the tapestry of our collective existence. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21, “a gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.”

So let us embrace the beauty of kind words, like a field of blossoming flowers, and spread their gentle essence wherever we go. May we sow seeds of kindness through our words and make the world a more beautiful place.

Be kind with your words!

Much love, always. 😊

Alive and Renewed

Love and justice mingle, truth and mercy meet.’

Nicky Gumbel

Love bought us freedom from eternal damnation, and the supernatural is as real as the next person to you. Although it’s difficult for some people to comprehend that there is life after death. I believe there is life after we pass away from this realm simply because of Christ’s Resurrection from the dead.

If I were to count the times I have been saved from physical harm, I would have to write a 200,000 word memoir to recount my experiences, and it would not be enough. Christ’s resurrection shows that there is still hope, not only in heaven but in this world too. I am alive and renewed by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ and the miracle of His resurrection.

Heaven is real

I have experienced the supernatural power of God several times, and as a Christian, it’s with great pride that I declare my hope in the future; this life is certainly not the end, and humanity will be saved.

If anyone is reading this and you’re depressed, please don’t be, whatever you’re going through will pass if you put your faith in God. If disease has ravaged your body, there is hope and healing for you but you need to claim it through faith and prayers to God.

We all know that life is very complex but we have a complete God who sacrificed His only son for our redemption. There is hope for you, just believe in God, I did, and He changed my story.😄✨

Happy Easter to all my friends. Much love to you, always!❤️☺️🌟🌸

Part of a Movement: It’s The New Year!

Photo Credit: Flickr

No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible

George Chakiris

As 2021 draws to a close, it has been another extraordinary and challenging year—a replica of 2020. I have taken stock of my life, and I am grateful and blessed to be alive, surrounded by love. Many people aren’t so lucky, and that’s not lost on me. 

Our world has changed in more ways than one. We are still battling a pandemic that has taken over millions of lives; I have lost count of the dead. Yet, our world finds a way to renew. When a new day dawn, we repeat living all over again. People fall in love; they fight, bicker, and save lives. People have just been, well, human.

I love the peeping clouds!

However, I am determined to live my life as part of a positive movement of change. I want to make a difference and foster love rather than hatred, encouraging generations of people who are determined to preserve life, not destroy it.  

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. we are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day

Edith lovejoy pierce

I will not make a new year resolution. Instead, I want to put a smile a people’s faces. We all need to laugh more and enjoy every moment of our lives. Why? Because our time on this part of heaven is so short.

Happy New Year to all my friends and everyone reading this. May God bless and keep you all!

Much love, always.

Saving Humans



                                                                 Photo credit: Flickr

We’re all human, aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same and worth saving.”

J. K Rowling

Humanity has always been on the brink of destruction several times.

Studying history is akin to studying the art and history of warfare.

We kill, we hate, we love.

And then we do it all over again, forgetting that we bleed the same.

And we walk in twos, talk and smile.

We all have hopes and dreams.

We teach our children to hate another, we fear what we don’t know.

We change history.

Hatred destroys the hater because we were once created to love and laugh.
Hatred twisted the reason we exist.

When you love people, you love yourself.

When you hate, you’re killing your essence, your humanity.

It’s the law of the universe.

So, what do we do?
Let’s love ourselves.



Much love, always!

The Grace of a Nightingale: An Odyssey Of Survival


photo of woman wearing white hat

Photo by Pete Johnson on

I had the wonderful privilege of reading an inspiring article on Arrow Gate’s website. The post was about a nonfiction book written by a woman with a big heart. Mary Anne Willow. Her memoir titled, ‘The Grace Of A Nightingale’ would be published soon.

Mary Anne touched on many things, depression, divorce, suicide, hope in the midst of despair and vaginal Mesh, a procedure recently suspended due to the complications many women faced when they had it done. You can’t hide what’s in your heart, and Mary Anne’s got lots to share with the world. Why not click on the link below and read about this? And maybe when the book’s out, you would all read the story of this awesome woman.

I can’t wait to see this memoir in print. It depicted the resilience of the human’s spirit. We need books like this in the world.

That’s all for now friends.

I hope we’ll all enjoy the rest of our weekend.

Much love, always! 🙂

via The Grace of a Nightingale: An Odyssey Of Survival

Body of Clay – What Do You Stand For?

Paragon Of Beauty. Can You See Beyond Those Deep Lines Of Experience?

( Photo credit: Flickr)

It’s sometimes funny the way we hold on to things, and I mean material things as if we are going to live forever. It’s an open secret that someday, we will call it a day on this part of heaven. We may try to change the subject or try to push it to the deep recess of our minds but our times here in this part of heaven is limited.

That’s just the basic truth.

The woman in the picture is beautiful, but she is aging, and afterward, she would become one with the earth. Studying her face, she seems to know who she is, and she also appears to be living a good life.

What about you? What do you stand for? What are your beliefs? Are you an ‘I’ person or a ‘We’ kind of person? (I want you to ponder on that and give me an answer in the comment section below).

I love taking good care of my body, and since finding out several of my physical limitations, it has not ceased to amaze me how fragile we are. I am now indulging myself in things that are really important and soul-satisfying.

I love smelling flowers, my house is littered with pots of flowers. I appreciate water, I watch mesmerised as it flows through my fingers. I love the sun, the ability to walk, run, and play is just beautiful. I appreciate that now.

Since our time is short, isn’t it foolhardy to fight or keep malice? War is a gory affair. Humanity has pillaged and wasted blood throughout the millennia. I watched the news with slight irritation as grown men are throwing insults at one another. They are actually playing with war, and it’s not pretty.

I urge you all to enjoy every minute of your time, even if we all live till hundred, one day, time will be up.

So let’s stand for all that is good, excellent, and kind.

Have a great weekend all!

Much love, always.:)




Let Go?

”Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia.

I would be a year older tomorrow. I came home from work today and found myself trawling through some motivational articles to make sense of the impending days ahead, and then I stumbled on the short article below. I believe I should share it and I am keen to find out your thoughts on this though. Do you agree with the author’s point of view? Or maybe you don’t, why?


‘They say that, at some point, you learn to let go. I must disagree. If it just takes one moment to let go, then you never really held on tightly enough. To a dream. To a goal. To a place. To a person. To anything. I believe that you let go little by little. You let go a little, then hold back on, but with a little less force until you fully release yourself. And the tighter you old on, the more force you let go with. The deeper you dive, the higher you’ll fly. The closer you get, the further you’ll pull away. The weaker you feel, the stronger you’ll become. So do not be ashamed of your weaknesses. We all have them. You must learn to be kind to yourself. You must learn to understand yourself. You must believe in yourself. Never think that you are a bad person. Differentiate between your self-worth and your actions. To say that you are bad is different from saying that you made a mistake. You can’t fix yourself, but you can fix a mistake. And remember, not one person on this earth is perfect. We all make mistakes. We all fall. We all have flaws. We just need to look within ourselves and treat ourselves as humans who are worthy of respect and hope. Do not give up on yourself. Get back up. Be brave. Be happy.”

Najwa Zebain

Najwa is a Lebanese Canadian author who self published her book, ‘Mind Platter’ in January, 2016 by Createspace. She is a deep thinker and writes from a wealth of experience. I don’t know her personally but I sincerely believe in her story.

I hope you’ll all have a fantastic weekend!

Much love, always! 🙂

Walking Through Time


(Photo Credit: Flickr)

This year had been full of surprises. From Brexit to the election of Trump to the continual gluttonous appetite of the world’s politicians. The world was gripped by the drama that was the US Presidential election, and as a feminist, I was really rooting for Hilary Clinton. But that was not her fate, she lost the race.

On a personal note, I’ve experienced nothing but blessings this year. I’ve also had my share of challenges, don’t we all? I’ve had dreams postponed but not denied, I’ve seen plans stalled but not destroyed. I’ve had manuscripts shelved but not forgotten. I’ve met new friends and learned some vital life lessons.


The great thing is, if you’re reading this, that means we’re still walking through time, our lights are not snuffed out yet, for that, we should be grateful. No matter what you may have gone through in 2016, as long as you’re still breathing, and walking, there is hope yet. Don’t give up!

On that note, I wish all my friends here in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the world, may you have a wonderful and prosperous 2017!

Happy New Year!!!

Much love, always. 🙂


Time, That Ageless Riddle…



(Photo credit: Flickr)

My father loved time, he once told me that the most precious thing we could ever waste in life is time. He implored me to spend my time wisely on worthy causes, on things that give joy to me as a person, and I’ve adhered to his advice, as a result, my life is rich and fulfilling. When he passed away two years ago, his words still echo in my mind, and now I realised why he valued time so much.

Time is, and will always be a riddle. We can’t own it but we can use it wisely. How are you spending your time? Are you spending it in love? Or in anguish, hatred and discontentment?  Are you filling your days with laughter or sorrow? As we age, we reflect on days gone by, in the midst of our reflections, let’s be mindful of our time, and I think we would live it well.



Finley Peter Dunne had a saying that, ‘the past always looks better than it was. It’s only pleasant because it isn’t there.’ I disagreed with his assertion. In the past, my dad lives, in the present, he’s gone. I’ve made peace with that because he’s safe with God, however, there are moments I still want to kiss his cheeks and hear him call my name. Time claimed my dad, as it would claim us at one time or another.

I love how Horace Mann puts it, ”Lost-yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever.” My dad left this earthly realm when I least expected, however, he left me with wisdom beyond my years.

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Today, I watched a new documentary by Morgan Freeman called ‘The Story Of God.’ Freeman explored the afterlife and why human beings are keen to be immortal. To me, my dad is immortal, he lives on in my breath, my thoughts and my actions. He lives on in the memories of those men and women that aren’t even related to him, and I guess when we positively touch the lives of others, we would live on in their memories whether we are alive or dead.

Our time in this part of heaven is limited, we can’t help it but we can make our lives count by being selfless and loving.

Still thinking of you Peter Nelson… Adieu, dad!

My Dad

I hope everyone would have a wonderful week ahead!

Much love, always. 🙂